Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Comparison of Dzul Iman, Tinta Emas and AlKauthar Eduqids Fee

As you can see AlKauthar has the highest registration fee (RM2130) followed by Tinta Emas (RM1600) and Dzul Iman (RM1447).

This fee might varies due to age class etc.

1 comment:

  1. Fyi,

    Alkauthar Eduqids Islamic Montessori Pre Tahfiz
    1) Text books plus exercise book for semester 1&2

    2) registration fee including costume, concert (hotel with parents seated incl foods etc)

    3) last school monthly fee

    4) incl mandarin & ict syllbus

    5) trips for kids 3x times incl transport food n etc

    6) incl event fee & insurance ��
